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Our partners work in collaboration with VOICE to provide programmatic, financial or pro-bono assistance.


To become a VOICE partner, please contact us.


Financial Partner

Henley Properties is a leading home builder specialising in new homes, house and land packages, completed homes and knockdown and rebuild solutions across Victoria and Queensland. Henley has always had a strong commitment towards supporting and giving back to the community both locally, nationally and overseas. Henley Properties has provided financial support to Voice for the past 3 years.


Financial Partner

LexisNexis provide world-class content and leading-edge technology to those who advance commerce, society and justice. LexisNexis unites web technologies and premium information outlets to give users access to billions of searchable documents and records from more than 45,000 sources. Lexis Nexis has provided financial support to Voice for the past 3 years.


Financial Partner

NEAS is a not-for-profit organisation established in 1990 by invitation from the Australian federal government to provide independent quality assurance in the English Language Teaching (ELT) sector.

More than 25 years later, NEAS has grown to become a global leader in ELT quality assurance, with over 200 endorsed centres in Australia and over 20 international member centres across South-East Asia and the Middle East.  In addition to ELT quality assurance, NEAS  is also contracted by the federal government to oversee the delivery of the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP), a Commonweath-funded settlement program that includes free English language tuition to  refugees and new migrants settling in Australia.

The ‘NEAS tick’ stands as an internationally recognised mark of quality in ELT education.


Linda Phillips is a highly trained and thoughtful, fully registered psychologist. Linda has partnered with Voice to provide regular professional debriefing to Voice staff members in Cambodia. Linda has over 15 years experience working in a variety of roles (eg. as a counsellor, case manager & psychologist) with children, parents and individuals. She has worked with a broad spectrum of difficulties and in a range of settings. This makes her uniquely qualified to advise and support the staff at Voice.   


NGO Partner

Krama Yoga is Cambodia’s only yoga NGO and longest running public yoga studio. VOICE has joined efforts with Krama Yoga to bring Yoga to the children at the VOICE community center. Krama Yoga works to help foster personal transformation and empowerment through yoga to children and adolescents who may be challenged by poverty, abuse, addictions, or lack of familial support. 


Social Enterprise Partner

Cambodia Knits (CK) is a social enterprise working with marginalized communities in and near Phnom Penh. Our goal is to produce beautiful, high quality and unique hand-made products while providing fair and flexible employment opportunities. As a social enterprise, CK invests in our communities because they believe that putting people ahead of profit results in a great product!


Social Enterprise Partner

Coco Khmer is the proud maker of high-quality virgin coconut oil and coconut-based products. Building upon a solid foundation in triple bottom line economics, Coco Khmer is a social enterprise that is finding value in a closed-loop production cycle while establishing a business and sustainable future for the women of Boeung Kak Lake, Phnom Penh and the community of Toch Village in Kampot.

Work-Place Giving Platform Partner

CAF brings donors and the community together for mutual benefit. CAF work with companies to encourage corporate philanthropy via effective corporate community investment programs. CAF provide advice on all aspects of a corporate community investment program; help identify and build strong corporate-charity partnerships; provide back office administration and ongoing management of workplace giving programs, matched giving programs, grants programs and corporate foundations.

Work-Place Giving Platform Partner

Good Company offer tools and services that help make charitable giving a part of our everyday lives, whether it be at home or in the workplace, through general fundraising, specific appeals or directed gifts.


Fundraising Platform Partner

Everyday Hero - Spread the word, inspire support and raise money for a cause you care about.

Fundraising Platform Partner

If it's your birthday or other celebration and you would like to ask your friends to donate to VOICE instead of giving you presents, or if you would like to run a marathon, hold a dinner-party, jump out of a plane or do some other amazing thing to raise funds for Voice, you can set up your own personal donation page now through the My Cause website. Click here to set up your own personalised fundraising page to raise funds for Voice. Make sure you select VOICE as your selected charity when you're creating your page.


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Voice Bank Details in Australia:
Account Name: VOICE INC    
BSB: 013-423     
Account Number:1853-52247  
Financial Institution: ANZ


Voice Bank Details in Cambodia:
Account Number: 000341700 

Financial Institution: ABA Bank

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